Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Larons Disease and Cancer

Recently on, Jennifer Welsh posted a article talking about the link between Laron Syndrome and Cancer. The rare disease causes stunt in growth due to a mutation in the gene that codes for growth hormone receptor (GHR), which causes cells to grow and divide. It has now come to scientists attention that those diagnosed with the disease are immune to diabetes and cancer.  Scientists are now trying to harness what causes there immunity and use it to save others from these deadly diseases.

I had my doubts about this article. First of all, with only 250 people infected, the disease seems very rare so I don't think people will be able to get the disease naturally, especially because it is genetically transmitted. This makes the process seem really risky because they would then have to mutate GHR. I don't think many people want to risk their growth hormones to prevent cancer; however, if they are able to obtain the idea of this disease without putting peoples height at risk, then they are definitely taking a step in the right direction.

Despite my doubts about this article, overall it gave me hope.   Even if the research is unsuccessful, they will still end up with more knowledge of cancer then they had before.

1 comment:

  1. Hello all,

    Thanks for your writing article about Laron disease. Laron syndrome or Laron-type dwarfism is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by an insensitivity to growth hormone, caused by a variant of the growth hormone receptor. It causes short stature and a resistance to diabetes and cancer.

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