After a year of studying nothing but the Systems of the body in 5th grade I am sad to say I don't remember too much. If look broadly at the year I can remember most of the major systems of the body: Circulatory System, Digestive System, Immune System, , Muscular System, Nervous System, Reproductive System, Respiratory System, Skeletal System and Urinary System. I can't remember what I am missing, but I know there are eleven and I have only listed nine. I also remember how a few of these systems work or at least what they do.
The Circulatory System is the the circuit of Blood through out the body. The blood is pumped by the heart. When blood enters the heart through right side it has no oxygen present. But after it has been pumped through the lungs, regaining oxygen, it exits the heart through the aorta to be pumped through the rest of the body.
The Digestive System is the way in which food passes through our body and the nutrients extracted for use. Food enters through the mouth and travels down the esophagus to the stomach. The stomach breaks down the food, but it is the small and large intestines that pull out the nutrients from the food. What is left of the food is then excreted through the anus

I dont remember too much about the
Immune System. I all I know is that it protects the body from harmful diseases and other unknown objects. I also know the white blood cells play a big factor.
The Muscular System is pretty basic in the way that it is simply the use of the muscles that hold us upright and allow us to move.
The Nervous System is what allows us to feel. Nerves cover every inch of our skin and travel to our brain allowing us to feel the things that touch us.
The Reproductive System is probably one that most fifth graders remember because it was uncomfortable and scared us all. The reproductive system is simply the way babies are made, the birds and the bee's, sex, etc.
The Respiratory System deals with the lungs and the intake of oxygen into the body and the
Skeletal System is the 206 bones in our body that keep us from flopping over.
The Urinary System, with out getting too complicated, is the way in which water enters our bodies. This system uses the kidneys and keeps us hydrated.
Sadly this is mostly what a remember from fifth grade. If I really though hard I could probably think of funny things my teacher said or memories from class, but the basic information I know about the human body is all above.